Selanjutnya bagi Anda penggemar wisata bahari dapat mengunjungi objek wisata yang terletak di sebuah pulau yaitu Siba Island. Siba Island terletak di Kecamatan Hamparan Perak, Kabupaten Deli Serdang merupakan tempat rekrasi yang asri dan sejuk dengan suasana damai alam pantai, sangat cocok untuk Anda yang ingin menghindari hiruk pikuknya suasana kota. Lokasinya yang tidak terlalu jauh dari Kota Medan, menjadikan Siba Island sebagai tempat liburan yang berbeda dari biasanya
The next destination, for the fans of nautical tourism can visit this attractions located on an Island which is called Siba Island. Siba Island is located in the District of Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang Regency is a beautiful recreation place with a peaceful atmosphere and the cool natural beach, ideal for those who want to avoid the hustle bustle of the city atmosphere. Location is not too far from the City of Medan, Siba Island as a place to make a different holiday than usual
The next destination, for the fans of nautical tourism can visit this attractions located on an Island which is called Siba Island. Siba Island is located in the District of Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang Regency is a beautiful recreation place with a peaceful atmosphere and the cool natural beach, ideal for those who want to avoid the hustle bustle of the city atmosphere. Location is not too far from the City of Medan, Siba Island as a place to make a different holiday than usual